From Our Learning Hub

Why Your Stories DO Matter

Here's Why Your Stories DO Matter! Whenever a new client or a customer comes to your website or is engaging with your brand, they want to FEEL that they are the hero. They already know that they're the hero in their mind,...

How to be Interesting and Create a Following Online

How to be Interesting and Create a Following Online

Back in 2015, I started doing some work for a law firm. I was doing their IT work. And of course by that time I had already dabbled in website design and other things. And so I was really into that kind of stuff, but I never had done it for a company like that before....

3 Ways to Honor God with Your Small Business

3 Ways to Honor God with Your Small Business

As a Christian, I am concerned with honoring God in all of my business endeavors. I am a firm believer that everything we do in our lifetime is for the purpose of giving glory to God. Sometimes we miss that mark in a big way, but it is nevertheless important that...

Why is Website Design So Expensive?

Why is Website Design So Expensive?

Yesterday I came across a hilarious post inside of a mentoring community I am in. Mind you, the community is also a place for intramural dialogue—which includes the occasional war story. So a colleague of mine shared an anonymous interaction he’d had with a client a...

How to Delegate Effectively for Marketing Success

How to Delegate Effectively for Marketing Success

The question of how to delegate effectively is a fair one. Many business owners are overwhelmed and unsure of how best to lighten the load. For some, namely sole proprietors, the challenge is even worse. If that's you, you know what I mean. Every hat is your hat....

The Power of Persuasion Marketing

The Power of Persuasion Marketing

Marketing in 2020 is proving to be a unique beast. The world has been through a terrible crisis known as COVID-19. It has been a formidable enemy, and it has introduced some interesting challenges. Namely, many have wondered whether marketing efforts should cease,...

The Power of a Marketing Plan

The Power of a Marketing Plan

Does your business have a marketing plan? I'm always shocked to find when business owners do not have a plan for marketing their work, be it via traditional advertising, networking, or digital marketing. As with anything, though, there are liabilities. Marketing can...

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