From Our Learning Hub

Why iCloud Isn’t a Backup

      We love iCloud here at NorthMac. I personally believe it is one of most amazing technologies that Apple offers, and makes all of our devices work together very nicely. Unfortunately, the ease of use and convenience of having data across all of our...

A New Threat

A new threat has been discovered against OS X in the past few days. Dubbed "KeRanger", this threat is the first of its kind for the Mac found "in the wild" and should not be taken lightly. First and foremost, this only applies to you if you are using the...

Apple vs. the FBI in San Bernardino

Unless your head has been buried in the proverbial sand, you may have heard about a recent development in an FBI case against terrorism, in which Apple has been "requested" to unlock an iPhone allegedly containing information vital to the case. As a Christian,...

Announcing our partnership with BackBlaze!

We are proud to annouce that we are now partners with an excellent company called BackBlaze. BackBlaze provides an alternative cloud solution to automatic backup. Best practice is to have 3 different backups, 2 different media types, and 1 off-site backup. The best...

Proactive Services

Though we are a newer business, one of our core philosophies is doing things the best way possible for our customers from the get-go. We are always looking for ways to improve, but we think we are coming out of the gate with some strong, competitive solutions for your...

New Website!

We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand new website! As we serve customers all over the North Carolina Piedmont and Yadkin Valley, it is so important that people know who we are and what we do. Feel free to browse around, and we certainly welcome any...

Apple Watch Skin Rash Remedy

I have always loved a good watch. I remember at one point in my childhood I had about 17 watches, and somehow wore them all regularly. Unfortunately I have always been plagued with skin issues as well, and would often end up with a rash on my arm. Being the Apple...

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