The ABC’s of Crucifying Your Hesitations

by | Business, Personal Development

I recently wrote an article about how small business owners need to get the ball rolling with respect to social media. One of the pieces of advice that I gave was the need to crucify your hesitations about social media as a small business owner.

And, the more I thought about it, that statement really could apply in a variety of ways! There are many things we simply don’t do because we feel as though we are not good enough, or perhaps that others have already done it better.

But often, the things we tell ourselves are simply made up–they’re not true!

I am certainly not exempt from this problem. I have a full-time job in IT, operate this small business, and operate a Christian blog/speaking ministry, and I’ve only just received an associates degree in theology this past year!

In fact, I have no technical training whatsoever.

I have considerably less formal training than those I interact with on a daily basis in almost every area of life, and trust me, this leads to a huge inferiority complex. It would be lying to tell you that I don’t struggle with this.

But it is that struggle which qualifies me to speak to it. I do what I do in spite of my lack of formal training, spend HOURS each week on learning and improving my craft, and push past the resistance at every turn.

Here are the three “ABC’s” I use to overcome the nagging doubt and fear that I (and probably you) experience quite often.

Accept your Limited Knowledge


Mmhmm. It starts out with the uncomfortable part. Admitting you don’t know everything. I, for one, hate coming to that realization. But I’ve also found that it makes a bigger difference than any of the other steps! It’s a giant, but it must be tackled first. When you admit what you don’t know, it becomes that much clearer where to focus your training. This applies whether you know nothing or have a Ph.D.! You can’t know everything–learn to rely on those whose strengths compliment your weaknesses, and commit yourself to learning the things (slowly) that you need. Knowledge is power–but it can also be overwhelming. You must find the balance to maintain your sanity.

Believe in Yourself


If you are going to push past what stands in your way, you must believe you have the ability to! This is non-negotiable. It’s unfortunate, but 90% or more of your hesitations are probably tied to things you don’t like about yourself. Rarely are they extrinsic. But, you’ve already admitted that you aren’t perfect. So, who cares? At this point, it would be foolish not to give it your best and dive in. If nobody can be perfect, why should you be? Have you ever considered that by making yourself the problem you are simply being selfish? Is that consistent with the type of character others say you have? I bet not! Believe in yourself!

Comparisons Must Go


Finally, if you are ever going to get anything done, you have to stop looking to your right and your left. Dig in, and get your head in the game! I highly recommend reading Love your Life, Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze. This book (although the emphasis is financial in nature) makes an excellent point–you are NOT the family who lives across the road, nor are you the “Instagram perfect” #blessed family on social media. There is a difference between being truly blessed and “#blessed.” You have the unique opportunity to do the right thing in YOUR life and for YOUR family. That should not rest on the laurels of another.

[bctt tweet=”You have the unique opportunity to do the right thing in YOUR life and for YOUR family.” username=”northmacsvc”]

Got hesitations? Crucify them! Get them out of your way! Do something for God, for your family, your friends, or even for yourself! There is too much at stake to continue on in the way things are.

If you’re not happy, do something about it. If you are, notify your face! There’s one life to live before we meet our Maker. What are you doing to make it count?

Discussion Question: Do you have any helpful advice for overcoming the fear and doubt of taking on something new? Let us know in the comments below!


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